Life is stressful, and so it goes. There is no easy way out of this prison, this prism. I know that God is in charge. I believe that, but my heart is upset, my Faith is lacking, my Soul is Sad. I want to do well in all that I do. I want my work to be important and Appreciated. I do not want to be stagnant. I Yearn for Growth. For Hope. For Peace. And Beyond.
I feel so sad, and so anxious. Yet, I know that I am doing what I know to be right. If I err, I do so sincerely. Lord Forgive me for the Wrong I Do, Help me to Lean on You.
I love my work. Sure it is stressful. What job isn't. I love working with people that need me. I have the Heart of a Care Giver by Nature, and so I am grateful to be in this line of work. I have studied hard... Worked hard. Learned new skills. I am adapting to the changes around me. Yet I feel troubled that there is so much stress here... both among the Residents, and the Staff, and Mgmnt. I must not be consumed... or it will loose me. Stay on my goals... Give till it hurts... as long as I am refreshed by my Lord. Pour it out on me... Pour it out on me. Pour it out on me... Pour your Spirit out on me.
My ultimate perpose in Life is to be a picture of Christ. Let Him be glorified in my Life. He is Life... He is the Anwer to all my needs, my sorrows, and my pain. And through Him, i will overcome... To His Name be Glory and Honour forever more!!