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Monday, May 23, 2005


Do ever feel lazy??

Well, I feel lazy, that is Lazy to do the chores that I am s'posed to do. I got up early this morning. Did some computer work, and then snuck back into bed with Hubby. Snuggled down tight with all my Bears!!! (One can never has too many Bears!) then I slept deep and good for another 3 hrs!!! I got up again at noon... ate cereal and did some on-line surveys. Meanwhile... my chores stared at me... beconing. I ignored the 1/2 folded laundry put hastily on the sofa. I squelched my desire to vacuum downstairs, and also the long time chore of power washing the front porch.

So, here I sit... in my lazy boy chair... looking out the window at a very "inauspious day" as Momma would say. I am feeling so warm... so Fuzzy.So at peace. Hubby is sleeping on the sofa in front of me. My Girl is downstairs with the stereo/computer blasting. My kittis have snuggled up to me on several occasions. I am PHATTTT!!! I am grateful. I have a wonderful little Home... A Special Family... my Pets are my kids also... I live in a Free Country. I am Not being persecuted for my Faith, or the Colour of my Skin. I have Food to eat and clothes to wear. and I have the Wonderful LUXURY of being Just Plain LAZY!!!

Yesterday, while doing yard work... I stopped... lay down on the grass, spread my arms and closed my eyes. I became part of nature... hearing the birds, and the wind... feeling the warmth of the sun, and the coolness of the breeze..... What a Gift!!!

Thank God for the ability to be Lazy... Thank You Lord, for All the Gifts you have bestowed on us... A Home, Food, Clothes... and most of all Your Love.

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